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What if the Brain Health Strategies Used by 31 of the
Very Best Scientists, Researchers, Doctors and Nutritionists Were Right at Your Fingertips?




31 Alzheimer's & Dementia Summit Videos
All 31 Audio Recordings
All 31 Easy-to-Read Transcripts
Plus valuable bonuses!

Own the Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit
+ Up to $900 in Bonuses!




All 31 Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit Presentations 
(Online only)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 31 Presentations (Online only)
Bonus: Healing the Brain Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Avoiding Dementia Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Brain Chemistry and Emotional Health Audio (Online only)
Bonus: The End of Alzheimer’s eBook (Online only)
Bonus: Liver Toxicity Warnings Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Curing Alzheimer’s Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Chronic Inflammation Solutions Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Restoring Cellular Energy Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Detoxification Mistakes to Avoid Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Urgent EMF Warnings Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Releasing Negative Emotions Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Stress Solutions Audio (Online only)

Unlimited Membership Content Upgrades

DIGITAL + shipped



All 31 Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit Presentations 
(Flash Drive & Online)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 31 Presentations (Bound Book, Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Healing the Brain Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Avoiding Dementia Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Brain Chemistry and Emotional Health Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: The End of Alzheimer's eBook (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Liver Toxicity Warnings Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Curing Alzheimer's Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Chronic Inflammation Solutions Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Restoring Cellular Energy Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Detoxification Mistakes to Avoid Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Urgent EMF Warnings Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Releasing Negative Emotions Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Stress Solutions Audio (Flash Drive & Online)

Unlimited Membership Content Upgrades




All 31 Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit Presentations 
(Flash Drive only)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 31 Presentations (Bound Book & Flash Drive)



The doctors, researchers, scientists and experts featured in the Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit have
dedicated their entire careers to learning and understanding healthy brain function.

One viewing (or even two or three!) isn’t nearly enough to grasp all
the life-changing knowledge shared in all 31 presentations.

That's why you'll want to watch this event again and again and again — and I promise you each time you do —
you'll pick up priceless nuggets you didn't notice before.

(Seriously... I was there during the live expert talks, and when I listened to the recordings later, there were
so many great truths I didn't notice the first time around!)

Owning this information will also make sure you have it to share with someone you love.

Imagine having all the answers they need right at your fingertips… 

Any time, for any situation, for anyone you care about.

But hurry, because these life-saving recordings are only available for a limited time!

You Won't Hear About These
Brain Health Solutions Anywhere Else!

Brain Protecting Strategies

Alzheimer’s Disease:
Shocking Truth About Amyloid Plaque

Russell Blaylock, MD

Find out what’s wrong with the amyloid plaque theory
Biggest problem behind current Alzheimer’s research 
Discover the greatest threats to brain function

Dementia Warning:
Uncovering the Threat of Emotional Stress

Niki Gratrix

How early life traumas negatively affect brain function
5 steps to resolve emotional trauma naturally
Powerful message for anyone concerned about dementia

Toxic Food: Uncovering the Suppressed Truth

Mike Adams

Foods that must be avoided to prevent dementia
Major alert about commonly used nutritional supplements
Best nutrients to decrease the risk of dementia

Protecting the Brain:
Why You Should Care About Oral Health

Nadine Artemis

How poor oral health is directly linked to Alzheimer’s disease
Why you should be very concerned about “silver” fillings
3-step process to improve oral health and protect the brain

How to Improve Brain Function

Best Essential Oils for Brain Health

Eric L. Zielinski, DC

Biggest health issues related to brain disorders
How essential oils help prevent dementia
Best ways to use essential oils (plus, do-it-yourself recipes!)

Coconut Oil Therapy: Fueling Brain Vitality

Bruce Fife, CN, ND

Relationship between Alzheimer’s and blood sugar imbalances
Causes for your brain to become insulin resistant
Why ketones are considered “superfuel” for the brain

Integrative Medicine:
Solutions for Poor Brain Health

James Maskell

How a poor diet threatens the health of your brain
Value of detoxification for brain health
Developing a healthy brain with integrative medicine

Advanced Nutritional Strategies
to Improve Brain Function

David Jockers, DNM, DC

Find out what a sugary diet does to the brain
Research news revealed about how diet affects the brain
Best diet to reverse neurodegenerative diseases

Brain Longevity: Power of Meditation

Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD

How meditation can help people with dementia
Closer look at how modern living threatens brain health
How “spiritual fitness” can help prevent Alzheimer’s

"I cannot tell you how much I, and I am sure many others, have appreciated your work with this series.  The information has been amazing and I am truly happy to own all the videos. You are all very much needed in the landscape of health today. Very well done!"

- Sue V.

Brain Repair Strategies

Body Ecology: A System of Healing for the Brain

Donna Gates, M.Ed., ABAAHP

Donna details the “7 Universal Principles” for brain protection
Connection between the rise in autism and Alzheimer’s disease
Advice about which carbs, fats and proteins to eat (and avoid)

Dementia Solutions:
Overlooked Therapies Revealed

Datis Kharrazian, PhD, DHSc

Learn why certain foods destroy brain function
Dr. Datis details his top tips for protecting the brain
Overlooked signs of dementia (years before a diagnosis!)

End of Alzheimer's: The Unspoken Truth

Thomas Lewis, PhD

Why conventional medicine fails to offer a cure for Alzheimer’s
How to detect Alzheimer’s years before symptoms appear
Most important nutrients needed to prevent Alzheimer’s 

Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease:
A Comprehensive Approach

Dale Bredesen, MD

Detailed look at the many forms of Alzheimer’s disease
New discoveries about the APOE4 gene (and solutions!)
Dr. Bredesen’s comprehensive approach to reversing Alzheimer’s

Overlooked Causes of Dementia

Wireless Technology: A Threat to Brain Function

Olle Johansson, PhD

Alarming brain health risks linked to EMF pollution
How the central nervous system reacts to wireless technology
How to protect yourself from WiFi and cell phone radiation

Oral Infections: Alzheimer’s Disease Warning

Stuart Nunnally, DDS, MS

How “silver” (mercury-based) fillings threaten brain health
Why most people should avoid root canal procedures
Dangers associated with incorrectly pulled teeth

Root Cause and Solution for Dementia

Edward F. Group, DC, NP 

Why Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia are skyrocketing
Overlooked problem with conventional drug treatments
How detoxification can eliminate the symptoms of dementia

Link Between Plaque and Dementia

Charles Gant, MD, PhD

Surprising reason why we form plaque on the brain
How to effectively remove plaque buildup
News about stopping Alzheimer’s disease

Why Alzheimer’s is Being Called Type 3 Diabetes

Mark Hyman, MD

Why experts are calling Alzheimer’s type 3 diabetes
Dr. Hyman explains why dementia is on the rise
Shocking facts about how belly fat affects brain function

Click below to get lifetime access to all
31 expert talks + over $900 in bonuses

Avoiding Brain Inflammation

Food Allergies: Direct Link to Brain Disorders

Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN

How gluten impacts brain health and neurological function
Medical evidence connecting gluten with Alzheimer’s
Link between dementia and autoimmune disorders

Brain Food: How to Make the Right Choice

Steven Masley, MD

Advantages of eating fish versus fish oil
How to select the best quality fish oil supplements
Underappreciated aspects of optimal brain health

Diet Mistakes: How to Avoid Brain Inflammation

Dr. Peter Osborne 

How to avoid brain inflammation and loss of memory
Connection between hormonal imbalances and poor food choices
Best nutritional tips to help reduce inflammation and pain

Optimal Brain Function: One Meal at a Time

Susan Peirce Thompson, PhD

How one meal can damage or improve brain function
Why it’s not enough to know the best and worst foods to eat
Why willpower is a failed system to maintain a healthy diet

Best Brain Health Supplements

Protecting the Brain: What Science Tells Us

Daniel Amen, MD

Ways to prevent Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia
Connection between ADHD and Alzheimer’s disease
Best nutrients for brain health + much more

Best Nutritional Supplements for Brain Health

Michael T. Murray, ND

Dr. Murray’s philosophy on successfully treating dementia
Biggest dietary mistakes linked to Alzheimer’s disease
Best foods and supplements to prevent memory loss 

Treating Dementia:
3 Ways to Prevent Memory Loss

Deborah Gordon, MD

3 important steps to take right now to prevent dementia
Hormonal imbalances and memory loss
Greatest challenge when suffering with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia

Brain Defense:
What to Do About Heavy Metal Toxicity

Chris Shade, PhD

Most comprehensive test for heavy metal toxicity
How to safely remove heavy metals without harm
Must have checklist before starting a detoxification program

"I just wanted to drop a note to let you know how very valuable I found this program.  I feel that I have learned more than I ever thought possible.  I purchased the program and am excited to go over it all again to further my knowledge.  Thank you and all the presenters for such a wonderful program. God bless you all."

- Debbie S.

Brain Health Discoveries

Link Between Lyme Disease and Alzheimer's

David Minkoff, MD

2 underreported reasons for Alzheimer’s disease
How Lyme disease often gets misdiagnosed as Alzheimer’s
Dr. Minkoff details his comprehensive healing strategies

Stop Memory Loss: The Science Behind Healing

Sayer Ji

3 top evidence-based natural therapies to avoid memory loss
Hidden environmental threats that trigger memory loss
Shocking dangers associated with conventional drug therapies

Aluminum Toxicity: A Major Threat to Brain Health

Christopher Exley, PhD

Why most people should be concerned about aluminum toxicity
Greatest sources of aluminum unrecognized by Western medicine
Inexpensive way to eliminate unwanted aluminum toxicity

Uncovering the Trigger to Memory Loss

Dr. Thomas Janossy

Proof that certain toxins increase the risk of dementia
4 key microbes in Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia
Dr. Janossy’s “remove/rebuild” brain protocol

End Stage Dementia: Reversing Memory Loss

Rick Panson

How to naturally reverse 'terminal' dementia
The nutritional plan that restored memory loss
Plus, the most overlooked ingredients for success



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Audio Files + Transcripts

of All 31 Presentations

If you're short on time — or just want to scan through for critical information...

These easy-to-read transcripts provide you with all of the information from each Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit presentation.

Not only that, but we also include audio files so you can listen to all this great info while you exercise, clean, drive, or whenever you want.

Liver Toxicity Warnings

with Ellen Tart-Jensen, PhD

Ultimately, chronic disease is a result of too many toxins causing too much damage inside the body, especially the liver.  This program will reveal the early warning signs of liver toxicity and, more importantly, how to cleanse the body without unwanted side effects.

The End of Alzheimer's

by Thomas Lewis, PhD

This detailed 450+ page book, will guide you on ways to prevent, slow, or reverse Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. 

In The End of Alzheimer’s, Dr. Lewis and Dr. Trempe:

Explore the disease in detail
Describe a simplified guide through a mountain of emerging science explaining how to obtain a proper diagnosis
Explain the pitfalls and shortcomings of current research and clinical medicine
Include a 5-phase program to PREVENT Alzheimer’s disease
Detail how to diagnose the disease even before symptoms are experienced
Offer disease management and treatments for both those who suffer from Alzheimer's and their caregivers

Healing the Brain

with Paul Nussbaum, PhD

If you’re concerned about dementia or head traumas, this program will prove to be quite valuable. You’ll gain a deeper appreciation for brain function and these understandings will help you to heal the brain naturally.

Click below to get lifetime access to all
31 expert talks + over $900 in bonuses

Avoiding Dementia

with Raphael Kellman, MD

Every 3 seconds, someone gets diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia.  On this program, you’ll discover how to avoid and even REVERSE the signs of dementia years before it’s too late.

Brain Chemistry and Emotional Health

with William Walsh, PhD

Good nutrition is critical when it comes to maintaining a healthy brain and emotional wellbeing.  Yet, Western medicine provides little education on this topic.  This program will offer a hopeful message for anyone suffering with a brain disorder.

Chronic Inflammation Solutions

with Stephen Lewis, DC

Chronic inflammation is clearly at the core of most chronic health issues. This program will focus on the true cause of this condition and what can be done to avoid unwanted health outcomes.

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31 expert talks + over $900 in bonuses

Restoring Cellular Energy

with Sally Schutz, MD

This program reveals WHY cellular energy is crucial to avoiding disease symptoms.  You’ll also discover how to protect and regenerate cellular health for optimal wellbeing. 

Curing Alzheimer’s

with Thomas Lewis, PhD

Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading cause of death and the average annual cost to families is over $300,000! If you know anyone looking to improve their brain function, do NOT miss this program for solutions.

Detoxification Mistakes to Avoid

with B.J. Hardick, DC

Discover WHY detoxification is no longer an option, it’s a must.  Plus, you’ll find out many of the biggest mistakes to avoid when trying to remove unwanted toxins from the body.

Click below to get lifetime access to all
31 expert talks + over $900 in bonuses

Urgent EMF Warnings

with Olle Johansson, PhD

This program issues an urgent warning about how electromagnetic frequency (EMF) exposures greatly increase the threat of cancer and dementia.  Find out WHY this technology is more dangerous than you can imagine and exactly how to minimize your risk of harm.

Stress Solutions

with Daniel Kalish, IFMCP

Dr. Kalish believes that physical health is our “platform” for emotional and spiritual growth.  If you suffer from chronic stress, this program offers practical advice about how to greatly improve your health.

Releasing Negative Emotions

with Bradley Nelson, PhD

There are trapped negative emotions that block mental and physical healing. If you’re looking to overcome chronic health issues, this program will show you how energy medicine can help you to fully recover naturally.

Take Advantage of Our

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

We are so confident that you will be transformed and helped by the Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit — not to mention the hundreds of dollars in bonuses — that we're willing to offer you this no-risk, money-back guarantee...

If you change your mind for any reason, simply contact us within 30 days, and your full purchase price will be courteously returned.

We are committed to getting the program in as many hands as possible...

So go ahead and get the Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit with no risk!

Experience the freedom that comes with enjoying radiant health, and helping your family and loved ones enjoy it, too.

Get the Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit and take advantage of all the exclusive content and valuable bonuses from our team of experts!

Own the Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit
+ Up to $900 in Bonuses!




All 31 Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit Presentations 
(Online only)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 31 Presentations (Online only)
Bonus: Healing the Brain Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Avoiding Dementia Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Brain Chemistry and Emotional Health Audio (Online only)
Bonus: The End of Alzheimer’s eBook (Online only)
Bonus: Liver Toxicity Warnings Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Curing Alzheimer’s Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Chronic Inflammation Solutions Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Restoring Cellular Energy Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Detoxification Mistakes to Avoid Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Urgent EMF Warnings Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Releasing Negative Emotions Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Stress Solutions Audio (Online only)

Unlimited Membership Content Upgrades

DIGITAL + shipped



All 31 Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit Presentations 
(Flash Drive & Online)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 31 Presentations (Bound Book, Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Healing the Brain Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Avoiding Dementia Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Brain Chemistry and Emotional Health Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: The End of Alzheimer's eBook (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Liver Toxicity Warnings Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Curing Alzheimer's Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Chronic Inflammation Solutions Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Restoring Cellular Energy Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Detoxification Mistakes to Avoid Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Urgent EMF Warnings Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Releasing Negative Emotions Audio (Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Stress Solutions Audio (Flash Drive & Online)

Unlimited Membership Content Upgrades




All 31 Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit Presentations 
(Flash Drive only)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 31 Presentations (Bound Book & Flash Drive)



Hello, my name is Jonathan Landsman and I’ve been in the health and fitness industry for over 35 years.

As the creator of, I’ve worked with over 300 of the brightest minds in natural health and science to create over 500 different health programs.

Did you know that every 3 seconds, someone gets diagnosed with Alzheimer's or another form of dementia? In fact, Alzheimer's is the 6th leading cause of death and kills more people than breast or prostate cancer combined. 

This is serious. Over 46 million people are losing their minds... and that number is set to double within the next 20 years. Yet we know with proper information, we can protect our brain health. 

That's why I created this event. To help you understand how to prevent, slow down and reverse the signs of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia through simple lifestyle changes. 

After listening to the Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit, you will discover how to protect your brain health and improve your memory, concentration, and overall well-being.  It's easier than you think.



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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice or medical care of a qualified health care professional and you should seek the advice of your health care professional before undertaking any dietary or lifestyle changes. The material provided on this website is for educational purposes only.